Business Intelligence

Optimizing your store with insights that matter

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Driveline uses artificial intelligence and machine learning applications with SmartAIX© technology to give you analytics that is unmatched in the industry. Data collection using detailed site profiles and store mapping help optimize every aspect of your store. We mine data beyond point-of-sale and offer flexible and robust analysis, reporting, and visualization.
Our solution does not rely only on your intuition – Driveline analytics will tell you exactly what products you need to stock, where you should place them, how to advertise them, and when to run promotions on them. Our mandate is to increase your ROI, and we deliver on that promise.
Retail Audits
Driveline can perform accurate national retail audits and surveys to help you make quick, effective, and strategic decisions.
Strategic Insights
We look at your point-of-sale data, customer insights, and retail audits to tell you what your customer wants. Our strategic advice is not a one-size-fits-all; we offer a data-backed roadmap that takes into account your national goals and store-specific insights.
Driveline looks at your store cluster, store space, inventory, daily operations, and labor and offers a clear picture of optimizing each of these functions. We optimize your entire store and optimize every task involved in running your store.
Talk to us
Get in touch with us to get an insight into how your business is performing.

Providing cutting-edge retail optimization software to the world’s leading retailers by helping them stay relevant in the age of living retail

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